Surreal student art, hand holds up phone to capture young man in technicolor

Student Surrealist Art Exhibit 2020: Pinellas County

January 12, 2020 – March 8, 2020

Initiated in 1992, this annual art exhibit presents work by middle and high school students whom we invite to explore ideas and visions similar to those explored by Salvador Dalí and the surrealists.

Person at work in a dark factory

Traces [of the Avant-garde]: Mabel Palacin

July 10, 2009 – February 10, 2020

Una noche sin fin derives from Salvador Dalí’s persistent interest in photography and film, specifically his fascination with high-speed photography.

Student fashion designs inspired by Salvador Dali, showcased by four models

Fashion Design at The Dalí 2019 Exhibit

December 9, 2019 – January 5, 2020

This special exhibit features photographs of garments created by budding Tampa Bay high school fashion designers who have completed the 12-week Fashion Design at The Dalí program, sponsored by Neiman Marcus.

Hand holding a smartphone with Dalí coming out of the phone.

Visual Magic: Dalí’s Masterworks in AR

June 15, 2019 – November 3, 2019

This special exhibit uses burgeoning augmented reality (AR) technology to engage visitors while highlighting The Dalí’s complete collection of its popular Masterworks.