The Center for the Avant-garde is a unique resource for scholars, art professionals, collectors and students studying Salvador Dalí, Surrealism and the Avant-garde. The Museum Library, an integral part of these studies, undertakes scholarship and supports scholars in the investigation of the historic Avant-garde and its legacies.

the dalí's digital collection
Explore past exhibition guides, brochures, newsletters, Dalí drawings, newspaper clippings and more.

research resources
Access resources for scholars, including catalogs, guides, open access and visual & AV resources.

avant-garde studies
This annual online publication covers talks, conferences & peer-reviewed papers on Avant-garde topics.

image requests & inquiries
Request access to images owned by The Dalí Museum or ask our Librarian a question.

authentication, appraisals & proposals
While The Dalí is unable to authenticate or appraise, we have resources to help guide you.