inspired by trailblazing female photographer, lee miller
The special exhibition, The Woman Who Broke Boundaries: Photographer Lee Miller, celebrates the boundary breaking female photographer Lee Miller. Among her many dimensions (celebrity model and groundbreaking artist, to name a few), Miller broke the convention that war correspondents and photojournalists at that time were male. During WWII, she traveled with the U.S. Army as an officially accredited war correspondent for Vogue. Miller bore witness to the horrors of war and captured extraordinary coverage from D-Day through the liberation of Paris to the fall of the concentration camps. In conjunction with the exhibit, we invited the public to submit an original photograph that tells a story of a significant moment from the past decade to The Dalí’s Photojournalism Contest.
contest winners:
Below are our contest winners. Click each photo to enlarge.

Amanda Mayer
Look But Can’t Play
My daughter on her birthday during COVID. Even though she was not able to play on it, she still wanted to look at the playground. It broke my heart, and a sign of the times.

Dakota Lane
Say Their Names
A masked woman holds up a sign urging remembrance for victims of police violence during a Black Lives Matter protest in Chicago, Illinois during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Jennifer Thompson
The Streets are LIT
Life before a pandemic. Wandering the streets of San Francisco. Mindlessly gazing at the art and twinkling lights. Waited in a crowded restaurant for a taste of the famous Ciopinno.
alphabetical order by first name
(Click images to enlarge)
Agueda Sanfiz
Spring “break”
Spring break in Florida with its unexpected moments of bizarreness. In the middle of it all, a little kid, having a blast jumping in and out of a hole, completely unaware of what is happening around.
Amanda Mayer
Look But Can’t Play
My daughter on her birthday during COVID. Even though she was not able to play on it, she still wanted to look at the playground. It broke my heart, and a sign of the times.
Amanda Woods
FUNdamental rights
Women and Men take to the streets of St. Petersburg to March for Women’s rights. As Roe vs Wade is contested around the Nation, the significance of Freedom of Speech stands strong in our own backyard.
Amelie McLeod
A world in dissolution
This photo shows how pollution covers everything even the sun looks as if it has been covered and diffused. I chose this picture to show how global warming and pollution have affected us
Anna Hayes
Inauguration Day
On our way to get coffee in downtown Denver, my fiancé and I watched a protest during Donald Trump’s inauguration. It foreshadowed the social and political climate we’d see over the next 4 years.
Alisa Katz
Freedom is here to stay
I was devastated to witness Twin Towers attacked on 9/11. I was a young nurse working in downtown Manhattan on the day it happened. Freedom Tower fills me with pride for my country and hope.
Alparslan Kabasakal
A pic for the gram
Conflict in Rigaer Street Berlin Germany.
People who hate Police.A Man with a Mask.At least he took a picture. Everything points towards the fire. Annihilation of the world we once knew.
What else?
Chelsea Keen
Mourning in Orange (County)
Orlando, FL
On June 12, 2016, a tragedy occurred at an Orlando nightclub. I walked out into my city later that afternoon wearing black, my hand decorated with an orange ribbon.
Chris Bowman
The Great American Eclipse, NYC, 2017
This photograph is significant because it captures New Yorkers marveling at a total solar eclipse that, for the first time in U.S. history, was only visible in America.
Crissy Araujo
A Gorgeous Jelly
This Jellyfish was photographed by me in the pass. (It was currently mating season when I took this photo, so they were everywhere). I had to get into the waist deep water to take the picture. Pretty.
Dakota Lane
“Say Their Names”
A masked woman holds up a sign urging remembrance for victims of police violence during a Black Lives Matter protest in Chicago, Illinois, during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in May 2020.
Ellen Schneider
Rose Gate
The Rose Gate represented in this traditional infrared film photograph portrays the solitude of this pandemic. The stillness, the emptiness and the absence of time, and people.
Gary Fustino
Give the Right of Way
Pedestrians face several challenges on the walkways of today’s society, especially in the inner-city. “Walking your wheels” helps people move to a better place.
Image: CA-Coronado, resort street.
Gregorio Rivera
The photograph is of the sheet music of my composition:
its a collage where i blend a 1931 photo of Dali with a photo of my sheet music.
Jabaar Edmond
Rain Showers of Change
During the 2020 George Floyd Marches in St Pete a storm was brewing a storm a change.100s hit the streets in the Sunshine City to stand in solidarity for national cry for justice for all, rain or shine.
James Settimi
Kneeled before a line of nefarious Tampa Police Department cops is a resilient Black Lives Matter dissenter. The kneeled protester signifies determination and the power ones actions have in protest.
Janis Harland
Tulip Festival Mt Vernon, WA
Every year WA State holds a Tulip Festival open to the Public. I found this area late afternoon and wanted to memorize the peaceful beauty.
Jennifer Hand
2021 graduation: Staying positive in a pandemic with the new normal
A whole generation of students experienced a new kind of normal in 2020 and 2021–online classes, social distancing and no large gatherings. It’s a miracle that most survived it. Some didn’t…
Jennifer Thompson
The Streets are LIT
Life before a pandemic. Wandering the streets of San Francisco. Mindlessly gazing at the art and twinkling lights. walked waited in a crowded restaurant’s for a taste of the famous Ciopinno. 9/28/2017
Judy Ludin
“The mind once enlightened cannot again become dark.” Thomas Paine
Holocaust survivors Marietta and Ernest Drucker, took it upon themselves late in life to educate elementary school children about the horrors of the Holocaust, so that it can never happen again.
Kathryn Bohlmann
Pandemic Walks in Miami
This photo represents the pandemic of 2020. Schools were closed; businesses were closed. Life was on hold. The is mostly dark, and the road leads somewhere. All we did was walk.
Larisa Dadacay
Distanced Boat, Central Park NYC
Winter Park, FL
A solitary toy boat floats in what was once a bustling waterway in a once bustling city. A symbol of the isolation caused by a pandemic. A beam of sunlight offers hope.
Luci Westphal
Love not hate in Las Vegas, 2015
Sometimes it’s hard to drown out the loud voices and bright lights. When you do, you might notice someone else is quietly standing up for love and diversity – unpolished and unapologetic.
Martin Miron
Dali Opening Day, 2011
This group of Dali character lookalikes entertain the throngs that attended the inauguration of the Mew Dali Museum on January 11, 2011.
Melanie Gluck
Cuban Mami
Time stood still in 1959: A glimpse into a world unknown, a country within our reach only for a moment. This Cuban Mami, represents the mother of a country torn apart by class, politics , and power.
Pamela Miller
The Beauty of Clouds
New York, NY
The formation of the clouds behind the hotels from Miami Beach is so peaceful and serene but yet powerful. Truly lifts the spirits up. God’s embrace.
Raquel Rubin
A Moment of Joy
A young girl experiencing a moment of joy. Photo taken during craft time at Semillas de Amor, an orphanage in Guatemala.
Rosie Spinosa
Throwback to American Independence
7/4/2017 at Castillo de San Marcos. Being an American was still about life, liberty, & the pursuit of happiness. Having differing beliefs was still okay, and freedom meant more than not wearing a mask
Susan Petrie
The Abundance of Spring in the Night
During April 2020, I began walking late at night seeking freedom and relief. Standing alone on a city street, in silence, I saw how gently the abundance of life unfolds, even in darkness.
William Carson, M.D.
I Can’t Breathe
Time’s running out to gain control of COVID and “I Can’t Breathe” refers to more than a call for social justice and change. A flashlight was used to make this “light painting” taken during quarantine.
Image: Detail from “Fire masks”, Downshire Hill, London, England 1941 by Lee Miller (3840-8) © Lee Miller Archives England 2020. All Rights Reserved.