Member Event: Florida Holocaust Museum
July 1 @ 10:00am – July 31 @ 5:00pm
membership event: Florida holocaust Museum admission
Each month, Dalí Museum members receive free admission to a different area museum or attraction as a benefit of their Dalí Museum membership. Members of the partnering museums/attractions are invited to visit The Dalí during the corresponding month. During the month of July, Dalí Museum members can enjoy free admission to The Florida Holocaust Museum.
Details of the program:
- The Dalí Museum and our partnering museums proudly extend free admission to each other’s active members during a scheduled month; one free admission for each card member of the participating museum. No additional member benefits apply, including admission to special member events.
- Members of the visiting organization must present a current and valid membership card and follow all ticketing procedures (Additional ID may be required.)
- Neither venue is required to grant admission to visitors who forget their cards, as there is no universal list/database at each organization.
- Free member admission will be applied during regular museum hours only.
- Guests of members are not included, nor are any discounts normally offered to the organization’s members’ guests applied.
- Pre-reserved tickets are not necessary.
About the Florida Holocaust Museum
The Florida Holocaust Museum honors the memory of millions of innocent men, women, and children who suffered or died in the Holocaust. The Museum is dedicated to teaching members of all races and cultures the inherent worth and dignity of human life in order to prevent future genocides.
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