a woman sitting on a stone staircase

Coffee with a Curator

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October 4, 2023 @ 10:30am 11:30am

leonora carrington: writer, painter, visionary

Join us for this installment of our Coffee with a Curator series, where Museum Staff or invited guests speak on a range of Dalí-inspired topics.

In conjunction with the new exhibition Leonora Carrington: Writer, Painter, Visionary, this month’s talk will feature exhibit curator Peter Tush exploring the life and work of this visionary artist. This talk will touch on the fantastic and occult within her writing, painting and life, exploring her strict upbringing, partnership with Max Ernst, association with the surrealists, incarceration in a Spanish asylum and rise to become one of Mexico’s most important and beloved artists.

Location: The Dalí Museum’s Will Raymund Theater (registration required) or live on YouTube (link below).

Register to attend in person at the link below. This event is free, with limited capacity. An event ticket is required for entry. Gallery access is not included.

To watch the live stream from home, click below at the time of the program:

a person in a suit with glasses

Peter Tush, Senior Curator of Education

Peter Tush is the Curator of Education of The Dalí Museum. Tush has his Undergraduate degree in Art History from New College in Sarasota and his Masters in Art History from the University of South Florida. Part of the Dalí staff for over two decades, he is a key interpreter of the Dalí collection and special exhibitions. He trains the Dalí docents, scripts the audio guides and gallery labels, leads the education team to develop school programming and student exhibits, and works with the curatorial team to develop exhibitions. Over the years, he has presented on a wide range of Dalí-related topics including Surrealism and women, Dalí and Hollywood, and Dalí’s Catalan heritage. In addition, Tush is the co-host of Step Outside on WMNF 88.5fm Tampa.