On loan in exchange for The Fire by Paul Delvaux
Memory of the Child-Woman, a key work in The Dalí’s collection, will be on loan at Saint Louis Art Museum (SLAM) which is considered one of the principal U.S. art museums with paintings, sculptures, cultural objects and ancient masterpieces from all corners of the world. The painting will be going in exchange for Paul Delvaux’s The Fire, which will be on display for The Shape of Dreams exhibition.
Information about the work: This canvas, which presents a tantalizing glimpse of Dalí’s homeland, is an Oedipal meditation about Dalí’s complicated life resulting from his relationship with Gala. In 1932, Dalí was estranged from his father because Gala had become his mistress. The rounded cavities on the right-hand side of the horseshoe-shaped form contain notes referring to the legend of William Tell. Dalí reinterprets the William Tell story as an Oedipal myth about the father’s desire to persecute his son, reflecting Dalí’s own feelings about his relationship with his father.
Works on loan: