Detail from Salvador Dali's painting, Ecumenical Council

The Dalí in the Classroom

enjoy a virtual classroom visit from The Dalí Museum

The Dalí Museum is bringing the culture and art of Salvador Dalí into the classroom virtually. Pinellas County high school and middle school art teachers can set up this unique, interactive learning experience in their classroom, whether teaching face-to-face or online. Via Microsoft Teams or Zoom, a Museum’s trained docent will guide the class through Dalí’s key works, while teaching about Surrealism, Dalí’s inspiration and the culture of Spain.

introducing salvador dalí in the classroom

Two themed offerings are available based on the needs of the classroom and are adapted to showcase grade-appropriate concepts between 6th and 12th grades:

  • Dalí & Spain: Students will explore how the people, culture and landscapes of Spain shaped Dalí’s art and life. This theme is the #1 most requested field trip tour theme at The Dalí.
  • Big Ideas: Students will learn how Dalí sought knowledge and looked to different disciplines for inspiration. From dreams, math, science and religion, Dalí expanded his world with the goal of inviting viewers to see differently.

Each offering lasts 30-45 minutes depending on the length of available class time. Self-administered tours and activities will be provided for students to explore the Museum prior to and following the live interactive program via The Dalí Museum App, 360 Tour and other educational activities to further enrich the live experience.

This unique introduction to The Dalí Museum and Salvador Dalí is open to schools and community centers alike, for a $180 fee per virtual field trip.

Teachers and group leaders can fill out the form below to request a The Dalí in the Classroom experience for their class. Someone from the Museum’s Education Department will be in contact within 5 business days.

request a virtual classroom visit

Frequently Asked Questions

How long will our visit last?

Our virtual visit to your classroom will last about 30-45 minutes depending on your class period.

What if I need to change my reservation date and/or arrival time?

Changes to reservation date and meeting time can be made directly with the education office at

What if I need to cancel my reservation?

Please contact the scheduling office as soon as possible at Virtual visits require a minimum of 2 days cancellation notice to be eligible for a refund. Cancellations received after that time will receive a refund for half the cost of each virtual visit.

What virtual platforms is The Dalí able to work with?

We work within Zoom and Microsoft Teams. If your county uses a different platform, let us know and we will see if we can adapt.

What is the teacher’s responsibility?

Teachers will set up the virtual visit with the docent prior to the event and serve as the host of the conversation. Teachers will enable screen share, for the docent’s presentation. In an in-person classroom setting, the teacher will moderate and repeat the student responses for the docent.

Is there a limit on the number of students who can participate?

The virtual visit is designed for an average classroom size of 35 students or less.