Detail from Salvador Dali's painting "Daddy Longlegs of the Evening-Hope!"


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June 22, 2008 – January 1, 2008

The Dalí Museum, St. Petersburg, Florida, has been home of the most comprehensive collection of Salvador Dalí’s works in America for 25 years. But how did this revered collection come to be? This cultural treasure is the result of A. Reynolds and Eleanor R. Morse’s 45 year friendship with Salvador and Gala Dali, and their profound commitment to buying the artist’s work starting with their first acquisition, Daddy Longlegs of the Evening…..Hope! (1940).

A meticulously assembled archive of the Morses’ research, purchase history. anecdotes, travel logs, and photographs allows us to uncover our paintings’ unique stories. The Fine Art of Collecting Dalí examines the story of the paintings from the hands of the artist to their permanent home in The Dalí Museum.

Curated by Elen Woods, Assistant Curator.